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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sometimes you just suck...

This morning was the worst session I have had since I started training again. It was probably a Top 5 worst all time for me. Man I sucked!

Everything done yesterday in preparation for a solid session this morning was planned and executed perfect. Timing and types of meals, minimal exertion with my legs, etc. Backloading carbs last night to utilize today didn't do me any good, that's for sure. Ya know that car commercial where the cars with engine sludge look like they are dragging a big ship anchor down the road? That's how I felt this morning. Muscles wouldn't respond, breathing was that of an emphasemic and I felt nauseous in a bad way the whole time.

I know where I went wrong though and totally derailed. Normally I am in bed by 9:30-10pm and wake between 4:45-5:15am depending on the session I have planned that morning. Last night I dozed off on the couch in an uncomfortable position and did not get to sleep in bed until about 11:30; woke at 5:15ish. Not enough sleep was my first problem. Next, I altered my session plans last minute and instead of cycling then running this morning, I went to the gym at my apartment (which isn't bad but is all assisting machines), then tried to run outside following an upper body split.

I bumbled through my entire morning like some kind of friggin' idiot.

Lesson learned: stick to your plans and get enough sleep, no matter what.

Oh well, I'll just shake this one off and try again tomorrow morning. Nothing I can do to change it now.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My First Measurments

I totally grossed myself out and surprised myself at the same time today!

First, eek... I'm not gonna give you any details about this number except that I am 237 this morning. Body fat is 26.15%. Yikes...

For the surprising part, I set my 1RM for squats at 245 and bench press at 225. I actually hit 275 on squats and 240 on bench. I skipped power cleans because I don't feel coordinated enough to throw around that kind of weight yet.

As for the rest of my measurements (and these are sooo sad):
Neck: 18.25"
Chest: 45.75"
Waist: 44.75" (blugh!)
Hips: 46.75"
Thigh: 26" (chicken leg)
Calves: 17"
Biceps: 15.25" (chicken wing)

All in all I am happy that I now have a hard starting point and can see real progress not only in the mirror, but on paper too.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First 5k training, Day 2

5:15am start, and it was mighty chilly but not totally uncomfortable.

Ran 3.35mi in 40'19"!!! That's 11'56" miles! Woo hoo! I broke 12 minutes!

I was so amped about it that I got on my bike and did failure sprints along the same hilly route in just under 12 minutes. It was aboslutely fantastic. Now I am 100% confident that a 5k is definitely completable. I may even be able to compete a little in it too!

Tomorrow I will be measured and will set lift maxes for my weight training plans. Friday, my running plan puts me at 4 miles. Looking forward to the challenge!