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Monday, February 28, 2011

Best and worst...

What is simultaneously the best and worst thing that can happen to you while exercising? In my opinion, the puke.

Puke, you ask? Yes (no worries about the details here). And yes, I did this morning. When you have pushed yourself to your absolute limit of comfort, you start feeling a little nausea. Push it into a realm of unknown for your body and it will displace any leftovers hanging around. The feeling is horrible to have right in the middle of a workout. It is also rejuvenating and exciting because you know, without a shadow of doubt, you gave all you could and then some!

I know now that I am still capable of hitting extremes, getting there is going to be slow and a little messy at times and in the end, crossing the finish line is well worth a few early morning purges here and there.

As they say, pain is but fear leaving the body. And a triathlon scares the shit outta me right now.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tomorrow I begin actually training for my first 5k. It is coming up in April so I will be about halfway through my 12 week program. I am using the Nike+ training programs that can be found on I want to be able to run a 10k by August and half marathon by November... We will see about those goals but for right now it's all about getting my fat ass ready for my first 5k. Once I put a few of those under my belt, I will be able to better gauge what I am capable of doing and in what time frame to see if the goals are realistic or not for me.

Also, the idea of completing a Duathlon prior to a Triathlon is growing on me. Although I have swam and SCUBA dived for years in the ocean and pools, I have never really attempted to swim in a race type setting. I will need to actually work with somebody to learn how to breathe properly while swimming in the Triathlons...

That is all for now. This week's running schedule is 2mi, 3mi and 4mi distances.

Later this week I am also going to get my first thorough measurements of body fat, weight and sizing as a way to set an actual starting point to measure progress and help to pinpoint areas that need more attention. Following that I will be establishing my 1 Rep Max on the big three lifts of Squats, Bench Presses and Power Cleans so that I may begin building on a more regimented mass gaining program. This will be done with the help of Alana Gurley of Alana Gurley Personal Training in Gainesville, FL. Her website is below. She is very motivating and I can't wait to start working with her as my training progresses!


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Morning Grind...

On my way out the door. My body craves the chance that it may become spiritually connected to the rhythmic thump of my soles against the pavement.

My brain says bed is so much more comfy...

I'll drag my brain along kicking and screaming if I have to. 

A quote for the morning, from my uncle Tom: "Running long and hard is an ideal antidepressant because it's hard for you to run and feel sorry for yourself at the same time." - Monte Davis

Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm hitting the ground running!

Yes, pun intended.

Ok, now for those who know me, in my younger days I was always very active, played multiple sports, yada yada.

In case some of you didn't know, and for those who are following my progress for the first time, I have always wanted to compete in triathlons. Someday an Olympic length one, but for now, just sprint length.

So here is the deal. I quit smoking after 8 years on and off (mostly on) on February 6th, 2011 (Super Bowl Sunday). I have not had a cigarette since and as of this first blog writing I am on day 19 smoke free!

To manage and complete this monumental task, I literally had to make very dramatic changes to everything because every habit I had came with a smoke trigger. The way I eat, high levels of intense exercise early in the mornings, brief moments of meditation and life savers candies (for the oral fix). Now that I have been able to all but eliminate the triggers by confusing both my mind and body, now what?


More to come of course, but the gist of my training will begin with a few 5k runs and maybe one or two 10k runs before the end of 2011, plus plenty of cycling and swimming thrown in the mix. Actually training specifically for a triathlon is going to take more planning so an exact plan is still in the works. I am planning on my first Sprint Distance Triathlon sometime in the spring of 2012.

Believe me, I need to lose 40+ pounds from my belly to my ass before I make the first attempt, which is why it is a year from now.

Stay tuned though people because this is going to get exciting (and even a little sweaty)!