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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Gotta Do It Yourself Sometimes

So my training is progressing. I know that I haven't updated much lately. In the beginning, I was excited to write about everything! Now, I put up the pertinent stuff.

Although weight wise I have leveled off at 92-93kg (~204lbs), my musculature, body fat and fitness all continue to show measurable gains, which I take about every 2 weeks or so. Until now, I have not laid down a structured weightlifting regimen. I hit the weights about twice a week for about 30-40 minutes in a typical "circuit" style. But now it's time to really crank it up in my gym. Unfortunately, I am still missing 3 small, yet seriously effective items for my gym, but I can work around that for now since this month is all about rebuilding power. Those items are Kettle Bells, a big-ass (real name) tractor tire and a medicine ball.

As for my legs, this is the easy part. I love working my legs! The more they hurt, the harder I push and the more satisfying the pump!

My upper body will be another issue as I have never enjoyed working out anything about the ribs (it's soooo friggin' boring!) and my wife keeps reminding how my arms have suddenly become "scrawny." Sorry babe, I haven't lifted weights seriously in 12 years. I'll work on them.

I do have some races lined up this year though, to test myself leading into next year. The first will be the CFDS #4 in Clermont again on August 13th. The second is going to be the Daytona Beach Half Marathon on October 30th, to test my endurance beyond anything I have yet attempted. My third will be the Tampa Bay Tough Mudder on December 3rd & 4th to test my overall meddle in physically and mentally grueling conditions over a 12 mile course.

So where does the title for this post come from? I have tried to invite many people to form a team for the Tough Mudder with me, as well as join me for the 13.1 run and the super short length Duathlon series. No one I know seems to want to join me for two main obvious reasons and one reason I have developed based purely on speculation.

Main Reason #1) They are fat, lazy, smoke and prefer to "cop out" for one reason or another instead of using the opportunity to improve their lives.

Main Reason #2) They are too busy with other things or they "don't run" because they prefer other means of exercise.

Spec Reason #3) I fuckin' rock and they can't handle my fi-yaaahhhhhh!!!

So I am taking a bit of my own advice and I'm saying "Fuck it. I will do it by myself." Don't need anyone slowing me down and breaking my pace anyway.

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