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Friday, May 27, 2011

Going Paleolithic?

Since I quit smoking in February, I have been making incremental changes to my dietary intake. Adding exponentially more fruits and veggies because I ate almost none, nearly eliminating all alcohol, processed grains and even minimizing the amount of whole grains I was taking in. I noticed that the foods that I have been eating daily had begun to lean much more to both an eastern style diet or a paleolithic one. I'm not about to try an explain a paleolithic diet for anyone who does not know what it is at this time, mainly because I don't have the time or all the detailed knowledge about it yet.

Anyway, I bought this book the other day and have begun reading into it fervently. It is called "The Paleo Diet For Athletes" and I have to say that many of the things they wrote about regarding what humans are actually designed to eat and not eat is really making a lot of sense. Think about it this way: 15,000 years ago (paleolithic times) what were homo sapiens not able to eat, ever?

The answer: processed and refined foods.

Have you ever tried to actually eat a whole grain right from the plant? It's like munching on a rock! You wouldn't eat something like that! And then there is dairy. Cows have only been domesticated and producing milk in which we have to pasteurize and homogenize just to be able to drink it, for much less time than humans have been around, so the logic is that our bodies cannot metabolize cow milk and it is much more detrimental then helpful to our bodies.

So, what do I think about this diet? I don't know, I'm still learning. I do know that I will be very soon eliminating dairy from my intake as that had been a part of my plans anyway. Considering giving up all whole grains except on rare occasions and for pre and post workouts and races is still very strange to me.

All things in moderation I guess. We shall see what we shall see as I continue along on my life change journey.

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