So my training is progressing. I know that I haven't updated much lately. In the beginning, I was excited to write about everything! Now, I put up the pertinent stuff.
Although weight wise I have leveled off at 92-93kg (~204lbs), my musculature, body fat and fitness all continue to show measurable gains, which I take about every 2 weeks or so. Until now, I have not laid down a structured weightlifting regimen. I hit the weights about twice a week for about 30-40 minutes in a typical "circuit" style. But now it's time to really crank it up in my gym. Unfortunately, I am still missing 3 small, yet seriously effective items for my gym, but I can work around that for now since this month is all about rebuilding power. Those items are Kettle Bells, a big-ass (real name) tractor tire and a medicine ball.
As for my legs, this is the easy part. I love working my legs! The more they hurt, the harder I push and the more satisfying the pump!
My upper body will be another issue as I have never enjoyed working out anything about the ribs (it's soooo friggin' boring!) and my wife keeps reminding how my arms have suddenly become "scrawny." Sorry babe, I haven't lifted weights seriously in 12 years. I'll work on them.
I do have some races lined up this year though, to test myself leading into next year. The first will be the CFDS #4 in Clermont again on August 13th. The second is going to be the Daytona Beach Half Marathon on October 30th, to test my endurance beyond anything I have yet attempted. My third will be the Tampa Bay Tough Mudder on December 3rd & 4th to test my overall meddle in physically and mentally grueling conditions over a 12 mile course.
So where does the title for this post come from? I have tried to invite many people to form a team for the Tough Mudder with me, as well as join me for the 13.1 run and the super short length Duathlon series. No one I know seems to want to join me for two main obvious reasons and one reason I have developed based purely on speculation.
Main Reason #1) They are fat, lazy, smoke and prefer to "cop out" for one reason or another instead of using the opportunity to improve their lives.
Main Reason #2) They are too busy with other things or they "don't run" because they prefer other means of exercise.
Spec Reason #3) I fuckin' rock and they can't handle my fi-yaaahhhhhh!!!
So I am taking a bit of my own advice and I'm saying "Fuck it. I will do it by myself." Don't need anyone slowing me down and breaking my pace anyway.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
"The Art of the Ride"
From Bicycling Magazine's "Great Moments in Cycling, Being a Cyclist" booklet:
"It doesn't occur on every ride, but sometimes, especially on solo outings, something special happens on the bike. You're fully engaged with the task at hand, but by the time you tilt into the first climb of the ride, the fog of ordinary life begins to steam away. As the ground passes under your tires, you're seeing problems with fresh perspective, making sense of the day's events, and unwinding the that metronomic rhythm of turning cranks.
It's been said that human beings actively use only 10% of their brainpower, and that the rest isn't actually dormant but fully, unconsciously committed to keeping the body oriented in space relative to gravity. It's a synaptic orchestra of micro-adjustments that keep our bipedal selves from flopping over like primordial fish.
On some rides, the familiar act of cycling rearranges the orchestra, and the bike is put on autopilot while you're offered a fleeting moment of clarity. It's so subtle you may not always be aware of those peaceful, meaningful seconds. Yet when it's over and time slips by, you eventually find yourself feeling slightly off-kilter again, your thinking muddled by ordinary, everyday life, and you feel a powerful urge to get back on the bike."
Sometimes, someone else says it so well that it bares being repeated and shared. Maybe, just maybe, this will inspire someone to try...only to try. And who knows, they might actually fall in love...
"It doesn't occur on every ride, but sometimes, especially on solo outings, something special happens on the bike. You're fully engaged with the task at hand, but by the time you tilt into the first climb of the ride, the fog of ordinary life begins to steam away. As the ground passes under your tires, you're seeing problems with fresh perspective, making sense of the day's events, and unwinding the that metronomic rhythm of turning cranks.
It's been said that human beings actively use only 10% of their brainpower, and that the rest isn't actually dormant but fully, unconsciously committed to keeping the body oriented in space relative to gravity. It's a synaptic orchestra of micro-adjustments that keep our bipedal selves from flopping over like primordial fish.
On some rides, the familiar act of cycling rearranges the orchestra, and the bike is put on autopilot while you're offered a fleeting moment of clarity. It's so subtle you may not always be aware of those peaceful, meaningful seconds. Yet when it's over and time slips by, you eventually find yourself feeling slightly off-kilter again, your thinking muddled by ordinary, everyday life, and you feel a powerful urge to get back on the bike."
Sometimes, someone else says it so well that it bares being repeated and shared. Maybe, just maybe, this will inspire someone to try...only to try. And who knows, they might actually fall in love...
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Two-A-Days, Week 1, In the Books
This first week was a little rocky, mainly because of some events that caused me to rearranged my training schedule each day. I still got in all the workouts I planned on, and here they are:
AM - 4 Mile Run at 10k pace
PM - Upper Body Circuits in Gym at work
AM - Machine assisted upper body and lower body isolation lifts
PM - 23mi ride with GCC Developers group, average pace 19.5 mph
AM - Postponed
PM - 5 Mile Tempo Run, Lower body Double Sets (12-15 Rep Range)
Saturday Morning Hammer Fest:
- 20 Mile "Hilly" route. Hammered the hills and also rode (1:00 on, :30 rest) intervals on flats.
Going to rest tonight and tomorrow. Week two will have 4 two-a-days worked in...Gonna get crazy with it!!!
AM - 4 Mile Run at 10k pace
PM - Upper Body Circuits in Gym at work
AM - Machine assisted upper body and lower body isolation lifts
PM - 23mi ride with GCC Developers group, average pace 19.5 mph
AM - Postponed
PM - 5 Mile Tempo Run, Lower body Double Sets (12-15 Rep Range)
Saturday Morning Hammer Fest:
- 20 Mile "Hilly" route. Hammered the hills and also rode (1:00 on, :30 rest) intervals on flats.
Going to rest tonight and tomorrow. Week two will have 4 two-a-days worked in...Gonna get crazy with it!!!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Still Chugging Along
I'm still chugging along. Although I have hit a platue at about 210lbs...which is a bit frustrating. I rested much of last week and now I am cranking up for a 3 week cycle of two-a-days.
THis being the first week, my schedule is M-W-F for TADs. Next week will be M-T-Th-Sat and the following week will be M-T-Th-F-Sat. Each day is different and consists of different combinations of running, cycling, weightlifting, circuit training and plyometrics/calisthenics.
This should get interesting.
Anyway, check out the picture below. This is me from after last night's 40k ride. 210lbs in my cycling kit. Gotta represent for the home bike shop!
THis being the first week, my schedule is M-W-F for TADs. Next week will be M-T-Th-Sat and the following week will be M-T-Th-F-Sat. Each day is different and consists of different combinations of running, cycling, weightlifting, circuit training and plyometrics/calisthenics.
This should get interesting.
Anyway, check out the picture below. This is me from after last night's 40k ride. 210lbs in my cycling kit. Gotta represent for the home bike shop!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Going Paleolithic?
Since I quit smoking in February, I have been making incremental changes to my dietary intake. Adding exponentially more fruits and veggies because I ate almost none, nearly eliminating all alcohol, processed grains and even minimizing the amount of whole grains I was taking in. I noticed that the foods that I have been eating daily had begun to lean much more to both an eastern style diet or a paleolithic one. I'm not about to try an explain a paleolithic diet for anyone who does not know what it is at this time, mainly because I don't have the time or all the detailed knowledge about it yet.
Anyway, I bought this book the other day and have begun reading into it fervently. It is called "The Paleo Diet For Athletes" and I have to say that many of the things they wrote about regarding what humans are actually designed to eat and not eat is really making a lot of sense. Think about it this way: 15,000 years ago (paleolithic times) what were homo sapiens not able to eat, ever?
The answer: processed and refined foods.
Have you ever tried to actually eat a whole grain right from the plant? It's like munching on a rock! You wouldn't eat something like that! And then there is dairy. Cows have only been domesticated and producing milk in which we have to pasteurize and homogenize just to be able to drink it, for much less time than humans have been around, so the logic is that our bodies cannot metabolize cow milk and it is much more detrimental then helpful to our bodies.
So, what do I think about this diet? I don't know, I'm still learning. I do know that I will be very soon eliminating dairy from my intake as that had been a part of my plans anyway. Considering giving up all whole grains except on rare occasions and for pre and post workouts and races is still very strange to me.
All things in moderation I guess. We shall see what we shall see as I continue along on my life change journey.
Anyway, I bought this book the other day and have begun reading into it fervently. It is called "The Paleo Diet For Athletes" and I have to say that many of the things they wrote about regarding what humans are actually designed to eat and not eat is really making a lot of sense. Think about it this way: 15,000 years ago (paleolithic times) what were homo sapiens not able to eat, ever?
The answer: processed and refined foods.
Have you ever tried to actually eat a whole grain right from the plant? It's like munching on a rock! You wouldn't eat something like that! And then there is dairy. Cows have only been domesticated and producing milk in which we have to pasteurize and homogenize just to be able to drink it, for much less time than humans have been around, so the logic is that our bodies cannot metabolize cow milk and it is much more detrimental then helpful to our bodies.
So, what do I think about this diet? I don't know, I'm still learning. I do know that I will be very soon eliminating dairy from my intake as that had been a part of my plans anyway. Considering giving up all whole grains except on rare occasions and for pre and post workouts and races is still very strange to me.
All things in moderation I guess. We shall see what we shall see as I continue along on my life change journey.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Steady Progress Pays Off!!!
This is what it's all about. Making steady progress. Setting small short term goals that, when they are all met, become melded together into a larger picture. My goal weight of 185lbs seemed so far away when I first started changing my intake and exercising. Starting at 245lbs seemed so daunting at times. But my first group of small, incremental goals have finally come together to meet my first of several "bigger picture" goals.
I have lost 30lbs and I weighed in for the last two days at 215lbs!!! I am officially half way to my goal weight, which is right where I wanted to be as I begin adding more miles cycling and running. I have put myself into position and built a solid foundation for progressing to the next levels of fitness for the rest of my life!!!
I did it!
Now, on to the next step. CFDS Race #3 in July and possibly the Key Largo Bridge Run Half Marathon in early November. Here we go!
I have lost 30lbs and I weighed in for the last two days at 215lbs!!! I am officially half way to my goal weight, which is right where I wanted to be as I begin adding more miles cycling and running. I have put myself into position and built a solid foundation for progressing to the next levels of fitness for the rest of my life!!!
I did it!
Now, on to the next step. CFDS Race #3 in July and possibly the Key Largo Bridge Run Half Marathon in early November. Here we go!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Successful Failure
Okay, so a few days ago, I ran my first ever Duathlon. You've all heard me talking about it. The Central Florida Duathlon Series Race #1. I was a little anxious before the start, I'll admit, considering I was going about the whole thing alone. But doing it alone only seemed fitting for me since virtually all of my training has been alone in the early morning hours. Everything went as expect and the race for the most part was fine.
Except for the flat tires... Yes, plural, my rear tire went flat twice during the ride portion. In only ten miles too...which is why I've aptly named this post "Successful Failure." I finished without any problems, but I failed to even come close to meeting any of my time goals because of the mechanical problems.
In retrospect, I had a great time! Everyone I met there was very friendly and seemed to love hearing that this was my first ever race. They were all quick to divert all of their preparation attention from their own selves to me for a moment to offer advice on equipment, clothing, pacing, nutrition, etc. I couldn't believe it! I really thought that I would be met with many cold shoulders but this totally wasn't the case. I was also surprised at how many other people I met that were also participating for their first time.
I also couldn't believe how many people participated in both the Duathlon and Triathlon that morning. The turnout was incredible, at least from my point of view, and ages ranged from 14 to 91 years old. There was even a course record set as a 91 year old man became the oldest finisher in USAT history, having completed the Duathlon (which, as it turns out was his first "du" but had over the last 40+ years competed in 116 Triathlons and 6 Hawai'i Ironman Competitions). I suppose he took first place in his age bracket...
I was aiming for 80 minutes overall but ended up at 119' 11" as my unofficial finish time because of the flats.
Unfortunately, even though I finished and was excited to compete in my first multi-sport race and I had a great time racing and meeting a lot of like-minded people, I left there a little disappointed. Not because I had not won, but because of the mechanical failures that cost me a goal. Regardless, it's now time to pick up and move on and get ready for the next event.
I think I may enter the CFDS Race #2 on June 11th...
Unfortunately, my pictures from the race are being held hostage and they're demanding extremely high ransom, even for a cheap 72dpi digital download only. Click here to see small image tabs of me during the race.
Except for the flat tires... Yes, plural, my rear tire went flat twice during the ride portion. In only ten miles too...which is why I've aptly named this post "Successful Failure." I finished without any problems, but I failed to even come close to meeting any of my time goals because of the mechanical problems.
In retrospect, I had a great time! Everyone I met there was very friendly and seemed to love hearing that this was my first ever race. They were all quick to divert all of their preparation attention from their own selves to me for a moment to offer advice on equipment, clothing, pacing, nutrition, etc. I couldn't believe it! I really thought that I would be met with many cold shoulders but this totally wasn't the case. I was also surprised at how many other people I met that were also participating for their first time.
I also couldn't believe how many people participated in both the Duathlon and Triathlon that morning. The turnout was incredible, at least from my point of view, and ages ranged from 14 to 91 years old. There was even a course record set as a 91 year old man became the oldest finisher in USAT history, having completed the Duathlon (which, as it turns out was his first "du" but had over the last 40+ years competed in 116 Triathlons and 6 Hawai'i Ironman Competitions). I suppose he took first place in his age bracket...
I was aiming for 80 minutes overall but ended up at 119' 11" as my unofficial finish time because of the flats.
Unfortunately, even though I finished and was excited to compete in my first multi-sport race and I had a great time racing and meeting a lot of like-minded people, I left there a little disappointed. Not because I had not won, but because of the mechanical failures that cost me a goal. Regardless, it's now time to pick up and move on and get ready for the next event.
I think I may enter the CFDS Race #2 on June 11th...
Unfortunately, my pictures from the race are being held hostage and they're demanding extremely high ransom, even for a cheap 72dpi digital download only. Click here to see small image tabs of me during the race.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Distance, distance, distance...
Needed to add some distance to my rides.
I have been using my commute to work to get in 24 or so miles per ride, but the route splits that distance in two. Because of this, even though I am riding twice a day two days per week, I am only going 11-12 miles each time.
I changed that though today. I plotted out a route that Google Maps said was just under 40 kilometers and set my sights on a single intermediate length ride through some ranch country.
It was a fantastic ride! I struggled a little in the first few miles but once I turned west onto County Road 232 and began the longest leg of my ride, I hit my stride that stuck with me for the rest of the trip with the rolling hills that lasted the entire length of CR232.
Once my ride was complete and I held an average speed of 17.9 mph (about .9mph faster than I expected to hold) I got off the Nishiki and did not feel fatigued or burned out. I definitely could have rode another 10-12 kilometers but decided that quality over quantity of distance was most important. Knowing that I could have gone further at the faster pace confirmed that I am continuously improving my endurance and strength.
Starting next week, I will be combining run/ride and ride/run days to improve on my transitions. I am still confident in my finish time goal of 80 minutes for my first Duathlon race of 1 mile run/10 mile bike/ 3 mile run. The website that I registered for the race on expects me to complete in 60 minutes.
We will see what we will see... All I know is I am getting more and more excited every day for my first multi sport race!
I have been using my commute to work to get in 24 or so miles per ride, but the route splits that distance in two. Because of this, even though I am riding twice a day two days per week, I am only going 11-12 miles each time.
I changed that though today. I plotted out a route that Google Maps said was just under 40 kilometers and set my sights on a single intermediate length ride through some ranch country.
It was a fantastic ride! I struggled a little in the first few miles but once I turned west onto County Road 232 and began the longest leg of my ride, I hit my stride that stuck with me for the rest of the trip with the rolling hills that lasted the entire length of CR232.
Once my ride was complete and I held an average speed of 17.9 mph (about .9mph faster than I expected to hold) I got off the Nishiki and did not feel fatigued or burned out. I definitely could have rode another 10-12 kilometers but decided that quality over quantity of distance was most important. Knowing that I could have gone further at the faster pace confirmed that I am continuously improving my endurance and strength.
Starting next week, I will be combining run/ride and ride/run days to improve on my transitions. I am still confident in my finish time goal of 80 minutes for my first Duathlon race of 1 mile run/10 mile bike/ 3 mile run. The website that I registered for the race on expects me to complete in 60 minutes.
We will see what we will see... All I know is I am getting more and more excited every day for my first multi sport race!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Different route...
Sometimes, to keep things interesting, ya just gotta mix it up a bit.
Hit the gym this morning hard instead of my usual cycling and running. 45 minutes of upper body circuits plus lower back, hips and hamstrings. Also knocked out some serious core work with upper and lower abdominal isolation exercises. I'm starting to feel a little unbalanced since I am always banging out speed and mileage. Needed to get back to strength training a little more, so I did.
Following this with a 45 minute steady jog at about 12-13 minute pace really pulled the whole session together. Looking forward now to my day of rest tomorrow.
All in all it was awesome! Totally blown out and ready for the rest of my day and weekend.
21 days and counting until the Central Florida Duathlon Series Race #1 and I can't wait for it!
Hit the gym this morning hard instead of my usual cycling and running. 45 minutes of upper body circuits plus lower back, hips and hamstrings. Also knocked out some serious core work with upper and lower abdominal isolation exercises. I'm starting to feel a little unbalanced since I am always banging out speed and mileage. Needed to get back to strength training a little more, so I did.
Following this with a 45 minute steady jog at about 12-13 minute pace really pulled the whole session together. Looking forward now to my day of rest tomorrow.
All in all it was awesome! Totally blown out and ready for the rest of my day and weekend.
21 days and counting until the Central Florida Duathlon Series Race #1 and I can't wait for it!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Drag you down...
First off, I want to thank everyone who followed my quit smoking progress online, supported my efforts and believed that I could do it. I want to also say thank you to everyone who continues to follow and positively support my progress as I continue on my endeavors to push my limits spiritually and physically throughout my training sessions (which I annoyingly and continuously post online for everyone to read).
On to other issues...
Why is it that when you do something good for yourself (i.e. quit smoking, start exercising, set endurance goals) there is always someone who makes you feel like your whole effort is a waste of time?
"You can't do that."
"We are regular blue-collar people. We aren't meant to do anything other than work. It's what we do best."
"You're competing against world class athletes, why would you want to even try?"
"There are more important things to do at 5am than train for a duathlon, like going into work early and leaving late and getting in at least 60 hours so you might actually accomplish something."
"Not eating (big nasty greasy pizza) pizza at the pizza party is so disrespectful. It's a birthday pizza party. Eat some pizza and don't worry about your diet."
"What you need to do is work, not worry about anything else. Come in 4am and get some shit done when nobody else is here to bother you with their drama."
"Tell your wife you'll see her in 20 years, you need to bust your ass working as your first priority."
"No, that doesn't make any sense. You should do it my way instead."
"You don't have God in your life. You need to have more God in your life. You will be much better off with God constantly in your life. God always needs to come first"
Yes, these are real quotes. Some I have listened to for years. Some are relatively new.
I don't want to become this.
Is it too much to ask for support? To be treated with a little dignity and respect?
The most important thing I will ever do is love my wife and kids. Taking care of my mind, body and spirit is second. I've learned that, like friends and acquaintances, it comes and goes.
I have learned that lesson, by the way. I do not want a headstone to read: "Gee, I worked really hard my whole life but I sure wish I would have worked more!"
Everything I do or am involved in now makes me a better person. And that better person has become a better daddy and a better husband. That better person no longer smokes, rarely touches alcohol, takes care of himself and wakes up happy every day. The previous person worked those 60+ hour weeks, didn't care, didn't really try, didn't wake up happy and didn't try to really be a good daddy and husband.
Soooo... I'm not really sure why I have put all of this in digital print for the world to see. But ya know what? Fuck it, it's my damn blog and if ya don't like it, read someone else's blog. I need to vent!
On to other issues...
Why is it that when you do something good for yourself (i.e. quit smoking, start exercising, set endurance goals) there is always someone who makes you feel like your whole effort is a waste of time?
"You can't do that."
"We are regular blue-collar people. We aren't meant to do anything other than work. It's what we do best."
"You're competing against world class athletes, why would you want to even try?"
"There are more important things to do at 5am than train for a duathlon, like going into work early and leaving late and getting in at least 60 hours so you might actually accomplish something."
"Not eating (big nasty greasy pizza) pizza at the pizza party is so disrespectful. It's a birthday pizza party. Eat some pizza and don't worry about your diet."
"What you need to do is work, not worry about anything else. Come in 4am and get some shit done when nobody else is here to bother you with their drama."
"Tell your wife you'll see her in 20 years, you need to bust your ass working as your first priority."
"No, that doesn't make any sense. You should do it my way instead."
"You don't have God in your life. You need to have more God in your life. You will be much better off with God constantly in your life. God always needs to come first"
Yes, these are real quotes. Some I have listened to for years. Some are relatively new.
I don't want to become this.
Is it too much to ask for support? To be treated with a little dignity and respect?
The most important thing I will ever do is love my wife and kids. Taking care of my mind, body and spirit is second. I've learned that, like friends and acquaintances, it comes and goes.
I have learned that lesson, by the way. I do not want a headstone to read: "Gee, I worked really hard my whole life but I sure wish I would have worked more!"
Everything I do or am involved in now makes me a better person. And that better person has become a better daddy and a better husband. That better person no longer smokes, rarely touches alcohol, takes care of himself and wakes up happy every day. The previous person worked those 60+ hour weeks, didn't care, didn't really try, didn't wake up happy and didn't try to really be a good daddy and husband.
Soooo... I'm not really sure why I have put all of this in digital print for the world to see. But ya know what? Fuck it, it's my damn blog and if ya don't like it, read someone else's blog. I need to vent!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
My wish list
OK, so obviously in any sport there are different levels of equipment. From the Wal-mart cheap stuff to the professional grade high-end, fully customized stuff and everything in between, you can't help but continuously look and ogle and eventually build a wish list.
So after much ogling and comparing, I have built my wish list of cycling equipment:
1) The Orbea Ordu or Ora Triathlon Bike:
Ordu Link:
Ora Link:
2) GIANT's TCR Advanced I or II Road Bike:
3) Off-road and Single Track GIANT's Talon 29er 1:
Each of these bikes serves a different purpose and are a great way to round out a collection of outdoor cycling equipment for everything from serious competition to commuting to a romp in the woods.
Someday, ooooh someday... I will probably start with the road bike and work my way up to the other bikes later on. In the meantime, I gotta be happy with what I have for now and that I can actually get out there every day and pound the pavement.
Also, I went on my first trail ride today on "The Rock" church trail. Supposedly good for beginner/intermediate, it had a few challenging parts but otherwise, I was not overly impressed with my first experience off-road. Maybe I should have gone to San Felasco's trail head. Unfortunately though, I probably won't be trail riding again anytime soon since I broke something on my Wal-mart cheap mountain bike and it'll probably cost more to repair than the bike is worth. Total bummer too because I did have plenty of fun on that trail!
So after much ogling and comparing, I have built my wish list of cycling equipment:
1) The Orbea Ordu or Ora Triathlon Bike:
Ordu Link:
Ora Link:
2) GIANT's TCR Advanced I or II Road Bike:
3) Off-road and Single Track GIANT's Talon 29er 1:
Each of these bikes serves a different purpose and are a great way to round out a collection of outdoor cycling equipment for everything from serious competition to commuting to a romp in the woods.
Someday, ooooh someday... I will probably start with the road bike and work my way up to the other bikes later on. In the meantime, I gotta be happy with what I have for now and that I can actually get out there every day and pound the pavement.
Also, I went on my first trail ride today on "The Rock" church trail. Supposedly good for beginner/intermediate, it had a few challenging parts but otherwise, I was not overly impressed with my first experience off-road. Maybe I should have gone to San Felasco's trail head. Unfortunately though, I probably won't be trail riding again anytime soon since I broke something on my Wal-mart cheap mountain bike and it'll probably cost more to repair than the bike is worth. Total bummer too because I did have plenty of fun on that trail!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Very interesting news...
I just noticed that the Marineland Triathlon is held a few times per year and that the last race of the year there is on October 9th, 2011...
I am going after my first Duathlon this coming May. Maybe, just maybe, I may be able to train for the Marineland Tri in October instead of the Spring 2012. This could get interesting...
We will have to wait and see how I perform this summer in the "Du's" first. I want to compete in at least two Duathlons to gauge my progress.
That's all for now.
Still not too sure about overall nutrition for all of this training. What I am doing right now seems to be working for providing me with plenty of energy and endurance. Not losing any more weight though and that doesn't bode well for my 215lbs goal for May 14th.
And just in case anyone is feeling incredibly charitable, click on the link below:
I am going after my first Duathlon this coming May. Maybe, just maybe, I may be able to train for the Marineland Tri in October instead of the Spring 2012. This could get interesting...
We will have to wait and see how I perform this summer in the "Du's" first. I want to compete in at least two Duathlons to gauge my progress.
That's all for now.
Still not too sure about overall nutrition for all of this training. What I am doing right now seems to be working for providing me with plenty of energy and endurance. Not losing any more weight though and that doesn't bode well for my 215lbs goal for May 14th.
And just in case anyone is feeling incredibly charitable, click on the link below:
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Duathlon Training Begins
My first Duathlon overall pace goal is 80:00 or less. The three legs are 1 mile run, 10 mile bike, 3 mile run. That time includes transitions from each segment as well. My timing goals for each are sub-9:00 for 1 mile run, 30:00 for 10 mile bike, 29:00 for 3 mile run. That's 68:00 plus no more than an additional 4:00 for both transitions combined, coming to 72:00. That gives me an 8:00 window for error or fatigue to stay within my goal pace.
So, I have decided that to be able to get in 70+ miles per week on my bike and 20+ per week on my feet, I am going to have to actually start commuting to work at least twice per week. I have run my mouth about this before but I haven't really considered it until now due to time constraints.
My round trip door to door is about 25 miles. That puts me at 50 per week just going to and from work. Add in one day that is high intensity for at least 15-20 miles of sprint intervals at sub-2:50 pace and I will have the strength and endurance to complete the 10 mile bike leg within my 30:00 goal.
As for my running, intervals will also begin to play a bigger role in my sessions. I have hills all around me that challenge my abilities now, but the intensity needs to be ratcheted up at least two notches. Running in bursts of 10-15 seconds at sub-8:00 pace for sets of 10 will be the start, with increasing that duration by 5 seconds per week over the next 5 weeks.
The last two weeks leading up to the "Du" will include transition training. I will be toning down the intensity but combining a run/ride day and then a ride/run day to streamline my transitions. Basically, all I really have to do is change my shoes. I can run and ride in my riding clothes since those will be the clothes that will keep me the most aerodynamic, dry and cool on a hot central Florida morning. My bike shoes are Louis Garneau MTB Terra Grip Shoes with SPD Clips and three Velcro straps. I can quickly slip in and out of these and my runners to make my transitions as smooth as possible.
All in all, I do believe I have a training plan for a successful first Duathlon competition. My next post should focus more on my nutritional needs as my training clicks into high gear.
Links Below:
Official "Du" Site:
So, I have decided that to be able to get in 70+ miles per week on my bike and 20+ per week on my feet, I am going to have to actually start commuting to work at least twice per week. I have run my mouth about this before but I haven't really considered it until now due to time constraints.
My round trip door to door is about 25 miles. That puts me at 50 per week just going to and from work. Add in one day that is high intensity for at least 15-20 miles of sprint intervals at sub-2:50 pace and I will have the strength and endurance to complete the 10 mile bike leg within my 30:00 goal.
As for my running, intervals will also begin to play a bigger role in my sessions. I have hills all around me that challenge my abilities now, but the intensity needs to be ratcheted up at least two notches. Running in bursts of 10-15 seconds at sub-8:00 pace for sets of 10 will be the start, with increasing that duration by 5 seconds per week over the next 5 weeks.
The last two weeks leading up to the "Du" will include transition training. I will be toning down the intensity but combining a run/ride day and then a ride/run day to streamline my transitions. Basically, all I really have to do is change my shoes. I can run and ride in my riding clothes since those will be the clothes that will keep me the most aerodynamic, dry and cool on a hot central Florida morning. My bike shoes are Louis Garneau MTB Terra Grip Shoes with SPD Clips and three Velcro straps. I can quickly slip in and out of these and my runners to make my transitions as smooth as possible.
All in all, I do believe I have a training plan for a successful first Duathlon competition. My next post should focus more on my nutritional needs as my training clicks into high gear.
Links Below:
Official "Du" Site:
Friday, April 8, 2011
Official Announcement!!!
Okay, okay. So it has been a while since my last post. I'm sorry!
Anyway. First let me start by saying that my training has progressed tremendously since my last post. I completed my first 5k (29' 41") and the training schedule that went along with it. For running, I am using Nike+ ( for training plans and encouragement.
Now that I completed my first 5k, which proves to myself that I can do anything I put my mind to, I had planned to progress to 10k, half-marathon, duathlon and then on to the Marineland Triathlon in 2012. But, my plans have skewed somewhat. I have been reading a lot on the subject and there are plenty of books out there to inspire you about triathlons. And there is this duathlon series called The Central Florida Duathlon Series ( which is 5 duathlons spread out over 5 months from May through September.
As my official announcement, I am now training for Series #1 on May 14th, 2011. And I have no idea what to do or how to do it soooo if anyone out there has some insight into "run, ride, run" I would greatly appreciate it!
Also, big news!!! I found my dad's old Nishiki Prestige road bike, which I rode many miles on when I was in high school, and had it restored at a local bike shop in Gainesville called Bike Works ( I have to give serious credit to Johnny for his awesome work, and Tony for running a fantastic shop. I am a loyal customer of their's for as long as I'm alive!!! I also can't wait to purchase "the bike", a Giant TCR Advanced II. It will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine...
As for my current level of training, I am running about 10-15 miles per week (although not as much this week while I recover from my training split for the 5k last weekend) and starting to ride 30-40 miles per week. I want to push to double the intensity by combining the run/ride at least two days per week but I'm not sure how exactly to do that. I'll figure it out though I'm sure... I'm can get creative...
So here I go. I figure that if I compete in three or so of these duathlons, I will be ready to add in the swimming portion of the triathlon by the end of this year and should be very well prepared come spring when I begin actually training specifically for the Marineland. I know I will complete it, but I really want to compete in it for my first showing.
And, with this first duathlon, I will officially be on the path to the Hawai'i Ironman. For no other reason than to see what I am truly made of. To know what is really inside me. This is my long term goal, to finish out this decade with "the Man" on his 2.4 mile swim across Kailua Bay, 112 mile bike ride through hot lava fields and then the 26.2 mile marathon to finish up on Ali'i Drive. And do it in 17 hours or less...
Good luck buddy.
Anyway. First let me start by saying that my training has progressed tremendously since my last post. I completed my first 5k (29' 41") and the training schedule that went along with it. For running, I am using Nike+ ( for training plans and encouragement.
Now that I completed my first 5k, which proves to myself that I can do anything I put my mind to, I had planned to progress to 10k, half-marathon, duathlon and then on to the Marineland Triathlon in 2012. But, my plans have skewed somewhat. I have been reading a lot on the subject and there are plenty of books out there to inspire you about triathlons. And there is this duathlon series called The Central Florida Duathlon Series ( which is 5 duathlons spread out over 5 months from May through September.
As my official announcement, I am now training for Series #1 on May 14th, 2011. And I have no idea what to do or how to do it soooo if anyone out there has some insight into "run, ride, run" I would greatly appreciate it!
Also, big news!!! I found my dad's old Nishiki Prestige road bike, which I rode many miles on when I was in high school, and had it restored at a local bike shop in Gainesville called Bike Works ( I have to give serious credit to Johnny for his awesome work, and Tony for running a fantastic shop. I am a loyal customer of their's for as long as I'm alive!!! I also can't wait to purchase "the bike", a Giant TCR Advanced II. It will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine...
As for my current level of training, I am running about 10-15 miles per week (although not as much this week while I recover from my training split for the 5k last weekend) and starting to ride 30-40 miles per week. I want to push to double the intensity by combining the run/ride at least two days per week but I'm not sure how exactly to do that. I'll figure it out though I'm sure... I'm can get creative...
So here I go. I figure that if I compete in three or so of these duathlons, I will be ready to add in the swimming portion of the triathlon by the end of this year and should be very well prepared come spring when I begin actually training specifically for the Marineland. I know I will complete it, but I really want to compete in it for my first showing.
And, with this first duathlon, I will officially be on the path to the Hawai'i Ironman. For no other reason than to see what I am truly made of. To know what is really inside me. This is my long term goal, to finish out this decade with "the Man" on his 2.4 mile swim across Kailua Bay, 112 mile bike ride through hot lava fields and then the 26.2 mile marathon to finish up on Ali'i Drive. And do it in 17 hours or less...
Good luck buddy.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Sometimes you just suck...
This morning was the worst session I have had since I started training again. It was probably a Top 5 worst all time for me. Man I sucked!
Everything done yesterday in preparation for a solid session this morning was planned and executed perfect. Timing and types of meals, minimal exertion with my legs, etc. Backloading carbs last night to utilize today didn't do me any good, that's for sure. Ya know that car commercial where the cars with engine sludge look like they are dragging a big ship anchor down the road? That's how I felt this morning. Muscles wouldn't respond, breathing was that of an emphasemic and I felt nauseous in a bad way the whole time.
I know where I went wrong though and totally derailed. Normally I am in bed by 9:30-10pm and wake between 4:45-5:15am depending on the session I have planned that morning. Last night I dozed off on the couch in an uncomfortable position and did not get to sleep in bed until about 11:30; woke at 5:15ish. Not enough sleep was my first problem. Next, I altered my session plans last minute and instead of cycling then running this morning, I went to the gym at my apartment (which isn't bad but is all assisting machines), then tried to run outside following an upper body split.
I bumbled through my entire morning like some kind of friggin' idiot.
Lesson learned: stick to your plans and get enough sleep, no matter what.
Oh well, I'll just shake this one off and try again tomorrow morning. Nothing I can do to change it now.
Everything done yesterday in preparation for a solid session this morning was planned and executed perfect. Timing and types of meals, minimal exertion with my legs, etc. Backloading carbs last night to utilize today didn't do me any good, that's for sure. Ya know that car commercial where the cars with engine sludge look like they are dragging a big ship anchor down the road? That's how I felt this morning. Muscles wouldn't respond, breathing was that of an emphasemic and I felt nauseous in a bad way the whole time.
I know where I went wrong though and totally derailed. Normally I am in bed by 9:30-10pm and wake between 4:45-5:15am depending on the session I have planned that morning. Last night I dozed off on the couch in an uncomfortable position and did not get to sleep in bed until about 11:30; woke at 5:15ish. Not enough sleep was my first problem. Next, I altered my session plans last minute and instead of cycling then running this morning, I went to the gym at my apartment (which isn't bad but is all assisting machines), then tried to run outside following an upper body split.
I bumbled through my entire morning like some kind of friggin' idiot.
Lesson learned: stick to your plans and get enough sleep, no matter what.
Oh well, I'll just shake this one off and try again tomorrow morning. Nothing I can do to change it now.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
My First Measurments
I totally grossed myself out and surprised myself at the same time today!
First, eek... I'm not gonna give you any details about this number except that I am 237 this morning. Body fat is 26.15%. Yikes...
For the surprising part, I set my 1RM for squats at 245 and bench press at 225. I actually hit 275 on squats and 240 on bench. I skipped power cleans because I don't feel coordinated enough to throw around that kind of weight yet.
As for the rest of my measurements (and these are sooo sad):
Neck: 18.25"
Chest: 45.75"
Waist: 44.75" (blugh!)
Hips: 46.75"
Thigh: 26" (chicken leg)
Calves: 17"
Biceps: 15.25" (chicken wing)
All in all I am happy that I now have a hard starting point and can see real progress not only in the mirror, but on paper too.
First, eek... I'm not gonna give you any details about this number except that I am 237 this morning. Body fat is 26.15%. Yikes...
For the surprising part, I set my 1RM for squats at 245 and bench press at 225. I actually hit 275 on squats and 240 on bench. I skipped power cleans because I don't feel coordinated enough to throw around that kind of weight yet.
As for the rest of my measurements (and these are sooo sad):
Neck: 18.25"
Chest: 45.75"
Waist: 44.75" (blugh!)
Hips: 46.75"
Thigh: 26" (chicken leg)
Calves: 17"
Biceps: 15.25" (chicken wing)
All in all I am happy that I now have a hard starting point and can see real progress not only in the mirror, but on paper too.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
First 5k training, Day 2
5:15am start, and it was mighty chilly but not totally uncomfortable.
Ran 3.35mi in 40'19"!!! That's 11'56" miles! Woo hoo! I broke 12 minutes!
I was so amped about it that I got on my bike and did failure sprints along the same hilly route in just under 12 minutes. It was aboslutely fantastic. Now I am 100% confident that a 5k is definitely completable. I may even be able to compete a little in it too!
Tomorrow I will be measured and will set lift maxes for my weight training plans. Friday, my running plan puts me at 4 miles. Looking forward to the challenge!
Ran 3.35mi in 40'19"!!! That's 11'56" miles! Woo hoo! I broke 12 minutes!
I was so amped about it that I got on my bike and did failure sprints along the same hilly route in just under 12 minutes. It was aboslutely fantastic. Now I am 100% confident that a 5k is definitely completable. I may even be able to compete a little in it too!
Tomorrow I will be measured and will set lift maxes for my weight training plans. Friday, my running plan puts me at 4 miles. Looking forward to the challenge!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Best and worst...
What is simultaneously the best and worst thing that can happen to you while exercising? In my opinion, the puke.
Puke, you ask? Yes (no worries about the details here). And yes, I did this morning. When you have pushed yourself to your absolute limit of comfort, you start feeling a little nausea. Push it into a realm of unknown for your body and it will displace any leftovers hanging around. The feeling is horrible to have right in the middle of a workout. It is also rejuvenating and exciting because you know, without a shadow of doubt, you gave all you could and then some!
I know now that I am still capable of hitting extremes, getting there is going to be slow and a little messy at times and in the end, crossing the finish line is well worth a few early morning purges here and there.
As they say, pain is but fear leaving the body. And a triathlon scares the shit outta me right now.
Puke, you ask? Yes (no worries about the details here). And yes, I did this morning. When you have pushed yourself to your absolute limit of comfort, you start feeling a little nausea. Push it into a realm of unknown for your body and it will displace any leftovers hanging around. The feeling is horrible to have right in the middle of a workout. It is also rejuvenating and exciting because you know, without a shadow of doubt, you gave all you could and then some!
I know now that I am still capable of hitting extremes, getting there is going to be slow and a little messy at times and in the end, crossing the finish line is well worth a few early morning purges here and there.
As they say, pain is but fear leaving the body. And a triathlon scares the shit outta me right now.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Tomorrow I begin actually training for my first 5k. It is coming up in April so I will be about halfway through my 12 week program. I am using the Nike+ training programs that can be found on I want to be able to run a 10k by August and half marathon by November... We will see about those goals but for right now it's all about getting my fat ass ready for my first 5k. Once I put a few of those under my belt, I will be able to better gauge what I am capable of doing and in what time frame to see if the goals are realistic or not for me.
Also, the idea of completing a Duathlon prior to a Triathlon is growing on me. Although I have swam and SCUBA dived for years in the ocean and pools, I have never really attempted to swim in a race type setting. I will need to actually work with somebody to learn how to breathe properly while swimming in the Triathlons...
That is all for now. This week's running schedule is 2mi, 3mi and 4mi distances.
Later this week I am also going to get my first thorough measurements of body fat, weight and sizing as a way to set an actual starting point to measure progress and help to pinpoint areas that need more attention. Following that I will be establishing my 1 Rep Max on the big three lifts of Squats, Bench Presses and Power Cleans so that I may begin building on a more regimented mass gaining program. This will be done with the help of Alana Gurley of Alana Gurley Personal Training in Gainesville, FL. Her website is below. She is very motivating and I can't wait to start working with her as my training progresses!
Also, the idea of completing a Duathlon prior to a Triathlon is growing on me. Although I have swam and SCUBA dived for years in the ocean and pools, I have never really attempted to swim in a race type setting. I will need to actually work with somebody to learn how to breathe properly while swimming in the Triathlons...
That is all for now. This week's running schedule is 2mi, 3mi and 4mi distances.
Later this week I am also going to get my first thorough measurements of body fat, weight and sizing as a way to set an actual starting point to measure progress and help to pinpoint areas that need more attention. Following that I will be establishing my 1 Rep Max on the big three lifts of Squats, Bench Presses and Power Cleans so that I may begin building on a more regimented mass gaining program. This will be done with the help of Alana Gurley of Alana Gurley Personal Training in Gainesville, FL. Her website is below. She is very motivating and I can't wait to start working with her as my training progresses!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Morning Grind...
On my way out the door. My body craves the chance that it may become spiritually connected to the rhythmic thump of my soles against the pavement.
My brain says bed is so much more comfy...
I'll drag my brain along kicking and screaming if I have to.
A quote for the morning, from my uncle Tom: "Running long and hard is an ideal antidepressant because it's hard for you to run and feel sorry for yourself at the same time." - Monte Davis
My brain says bed is so much more comfy...
I'll drag my brain along kicking and screaming if I have to.
A quote for the morning, from my uncle Tom: "Running long and hard is an ideal antidepressant because it's hard for you to run and feel sorry for yourself at the same time." - Monte Davis
Friday, February 25, 2011
I'm hitting the ground running!
Yes, pun intended.
Ok, now for those who know me, in my younger days I was always very active, played multiple sports, yada yada.
In case some of you didn't know, and for those who are following my progress for the first time, I have always wanted to compete in triathlons. Someday an Olympic length one, but for now, just sprint length.
So here is the deal. I quit smoking after 8 years on and off (mostly on) on February 6th, 2011 (Super Bowl Sunday). I have not had a cigarette since and as of this first blog writing I am on day 19 smoke free!
To manage and complete this monumental task, I literally had to make very dramatic changes to everything because every habit I had came with a smoke trigger. The way I eat, high levels of intense exercise early in the mornings, brief moments of meditation and life savers candies (for the oral fix). Now that I have been able to all but eliminate the triggers by confusing both my mind and body, now what?
More to come of course, but the gist of my training will begin with a few 5k runs and maybe one or two 10k runs before the end of 2011, plus plenty of cycling and swimming thrown in the mix. Actually training specifically for a triathlon is going to take more planning so an exact plan is still in the works. I am planning on my first Sprint Distance Triathlon sometime in the spring of 2012.
Believe me, I need to lose 40+ pounds from my belly to my ass before I make the first attempt, which is why it is a year from now.
Stay tuned though people because this is going to get exciting (and even a little sweaty)!
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